Notice: This is not the main Michael McCafferty website, but simply a list of recent changes to that website.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Put up a couple of new photos of Mom, and Dad, may they rest in peace.

Wish List - The Ferrari California

Updated my "Confessions of a Car Nut" page, Wish List section, with the new Ferrari California photo and link.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ferrari photo, back in the day

My brother Jim sent me a great photo of taken in Big Sur, 1978, with my second Ferrari. Notice the bell bottom pants, long hair, etc... That's the way it was...

See Car Nut page.

Fun House Party

Great new photos from my brother Jim,
taken at the monster Mikie's Fun House Party.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


For all the times I have used this quote,
I can not believe it was not in my BrainWaves page,
until now.